Uilleann piping info, news, pictures, video, audio and links
accordions all about Piano and Button, Paolo Soprani, Castagnari, Mengascini, serenellini, Sem, Hohner, Aidi, Reedless, Student models Hohner, E, Soprani, Aidi, AAA etc
Main Links History Catalog Photographs Contact Order Tune your chanter Tune your drones CHARLES ROBERTS Uilleann pipemaker. Introduction Charles Roberts has been established in Ireland for over 20 ye
Hand crafted Bodhrns finished to your own specification made in the heart of the Glens of Antrim, Northern Ireland. A Celtic Motif, logo or indeed a wider selection of personalised designs can be ad
On this site you can find a lot information about my company. You will be able to read information and you will have the possibility to order the bodhrans online.