Chance's Genealogy (aka Vicki Lindsay) This site is more than just a list of genealogy related mailing lists. It is now the home of : The Montana GenWeb Miscellaneous and Unknown County(ies) Surname
Genealogy of the Irvine Clan, Irvine Genealogy, Clan research, Genealogy Research, Irvine Clan Family Tree
Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu ~Remember the men from whom you are sprung ~ County Mayo IrelandGenWeb Part of the BritishIsles GenWeb Project An Irish Blessing May you be poor in misfor
We provide Irish genealogical or family history research services. We also run educational seminars on how to research your family history. We sell 'Blood of the Irish' DNA test and analysis kits.
The largest online library of cemetery transcriptions.