K.P. Landscapes provides high quality landscaping services in the west of Ireland. Clients include large multinational companies, local businesses and private customers.
Website of Ireland's favourite gardener. Includes archive of newspaper articles, factfiles from television and radio appearances, plant profiles and loads more.
Rockworld are Ireland multi award winning water feature experts. Rockworld supply everything you need to create the perfect water display for your home or business. Design and installation also.
Peter Donegan Landscaping Ltd was set up to provide a first class result by taking a client's idea - however vague it may be - and producing a result that suits their budget, timescale, life, building
Oakfield Park is a privately owned house set in 100 acres of magnificent parkland, woodlands and gardens, in the heart of Donegal. Originally built as the Deanery for Raphoe Cathedral in 1739 the gard