Special Needs tutors, Primary school tutors and much more for Ireland
On-line educational resource for students of international organized crime and terrorism. Features profile of noted expert Tom Constantine.
Irish Sayings are essence of the beautiful civilization on earth. The elegance of the Irish people can be conveyed by these famous Irish Sayings. Like one of the Irish proverb I personally like the most is - Whenever it is in any way possible, every boy and girl should choose as his life work some occupation which he should like to do anyhow, even if he did not need the money. The thoughts of the Irish People which are in practice from a long time back. These sayings help the people to live their life in a best manner. And one more beautiful feature of getting these sayings in the form of picture quotes makes this site special in the bunch of web world.
The DCG Solutions Student Pack contains interactive, step by step solutions to leaving certificate examination question and hundreds of sample questions. Perfect for exam revision and classroom use.
Learning.ie is your one-stop shop for information about education and study on the island of Ireland. Operated by Learning Ireland, the website launched in November 2006.