This site is the official Fingal County Libraries' Web Site. All library services provided for the people of Fingal are described. Branch libraries in Balbriggan, Baldoyle, Blanchardstown, Garristow
Library Ireland: A free, comprehensive collection of out-of-print Irish books, articles and other material. Irish historical and cultural literary resource useful to reader and researcher alike.
The Lilliput Press, based in Dublin, Ireland, has some 250 titles under its imprint; these encompass art and architecture, autobiography and much more all broadly focused on Irish themes.
The Lilliput Press, based in Dublin, Ireland, has some 250 titles under its imprint these encompass art and architecture, autobiography and memoir, biography and history, ecology and environmentalism
School Books, School Stationery, School Arts & Crafts, School Supplies, Leaving Cert & Junior Cert